Photo Album: Wet, Mold Basement Repair in Hayward, WI.
DBS received a call from one of our clients in Hayward, WI looking to waterproof their basement because they were having trouble with mold and odors, due to water. DBS quickly came up with a solution, we recommended installing our SuperSump™ system to manage the water, then install a Waterproofing system in the basement to keep the area dry. We also recommended the homeowners install the SaniDry™ Sedona Dehumidifier to manage the humidity and the air, for a completely dry, clean, and mold-free basement. We’ve included photos of the products DBS installed, as well as some pre-production photos below!
a pre-production photo of the old sump-pump in the home.
Prior to DBS replacing for the SuperSump™ System.
The replacement water system installed by DBS.
This water system will keep the inside of the home dry, while bringing any water outside.
The replacement SuperSump™ System installed by DBS.
This system is a premier sump pump system to manage the water in the household.