Photo Album: Basement waterproofed and foundation stabilized in Superior, WI
The installation crew from DBS did a great job installing WaterGuard, SuperSafe sump and PowerBraces in this Superior, WI home. The homeowner contacted DBS because she had water leaking in her basement. These photos show how the experts at DBS install a waterproofing system. After the project was completed, the homeowner was thrilled with the results and she no longer had to worry about her basement leaking.
WaterGuard installed along the perimeter of the foundation wall.
SuperSafe Sump
A SuperSafe sump was installed to collect and remove water in the basement.
We can install the WaterGuard around existing wall structures like shown here.
PowerBrace bracket installed on existing support beam.
PowerBrace installed here with WaterGuard around it.
PowerBrace Bracket
A PowerBrace bracket is installed on existing support beam.