Interior Water
We ran a trench drain in front of the walkout door that doesn't let moisture out, it only lets water in.

Sani dry Dehumidifier
Our basement Dehumidifier will keep this basement moisture low at ALL times, preventing mold from ever standing a chance!! the filter also eliminates dust mites down to an amazing 2 Microns!

12 Millimeter Poly
We install this nice looking white reinforced plastic on the walls, and actually run it into the drainage system. It is sealed at the top, and has a anti-microbial product built right into it so mold cannot grow between the wall and product.

Smart Jack XT's
Our interior Supports are installed to hold up the center of the house. They can hold an amazing 50,000 pounds per support!! They are also hot dipped Galvanized meaning they will never rust or corrode.

finished product
You can see that this homeowner is ready to finish there basement with confidence! They will have a guaranteed DRY basement for years to come!!