Foundation Damage
Often damage to the foundation is one of the most obvious problems in a home, but did you know the size of the cracks in your foundation doesn't necessarily indicate the size of the problem. For this reason we recommend everyone have their foundation inspected even if the cracks are new and small. Foundation problems can quickly worsen without warning and it is much more expensive and troublesome to replace a foundation than it is to repair one.

Water Issues
It is important when addressing issues in the basement to ensure that each individual issue is addressed and solutions are provided that work harmoniously with each other.

Dark and Dirty Walls
One additional benefit of our waterproofing system is that it transforms what were formerly dark, dirty, cracked walls into a smooth, bright - white surface which makes any basement a much more pleasant place to be!

Working Around The Stairs
With the solutions we implement we are typically able to find a way to work around or move the fixtures and construction of your basement. If water is coming in under the stairs of a basement we can easily work to resolve this issue.

Wall Cracks Should Be Cause for Inspection
Any crack in a foundation can be an indication of a serious foundation issue. It is important for the longevity of your home to get foundation cracks inspected before the problem is allowed to worsen and become more expensive to handle.

Foundation Stabilized!
Our Production Crew installed Power Braces around the external walls of the home to promote structural integrity for the foundation walls.

Power Braces in Place
Power Braces are steel beams that provide permanent support for the home and can be slowly adjusted as neccessary over time.

Waterproofing The Basement!
On this project we made sure to provide solutions that work together. With a drain tile in the floor, a CleanSpace membrane on the walls and Power Braces these solutions worked together to make this basement a much safer and healthier place.

Bright White Basement
When do you suppose the last time was that this homeowner was able to look at their basement walls and have a truly good feeling well up inside of them. This homeowner can now look at their bright white clean walls and feel good about the state of their basement.

Sump Pump Placement
Our Specialist and crew decided on the most appropriate place to put the sump pump and directed the water out of the home through newly installed piping in the least obtrusive area of the basement.

Leading Water Away From The Home
When water is pumped through the sump pump it has to go somewhere. In Minnesota and Wisconsin there are often concerns with lines leading away from sump pumps freezing in the winter, so we help educate our customers on the value of creating a system like you see here where the water has a secondary place to escape if anything is to freeze over the winter.

Discharged Water Away From The Home
The goal is to distance the water as far away from the home as possible. By leading the water down a slope we reduce the amount of water that collects around the base of the home.