Taking Careful Measurements
To determine the severity of the uneven concrete problems our specialists use multiple tools to ensure we don't overcharge our customers by doing something isn't neccessary.

Signs of Sinking Concrete
Can you recall the point where your concrete stoop met your home? Has the stoof sunken from that point? We can help with that!

Separation Between the Home and Concrete
You can see here that the wall of the home no longer met the concrete slab where it used to.

Uneven Sidewalk Slabs
Several of the slabs of concrete that make up the sidewalk had sunken and become uneven with eachother.

Providing a Solution
By drilling small holes into the concrete our production crew was able to lift and level these concrete slabs to where they needed to go!

An Even Stoop Once Again!
The concrete stoop is now level and is much more visually appealing to visitors.

Even Sidewalks Mean No Tripping Hazards!
Guests will be able to easily enter the home without needing to carefully watch their step. This flat concrete surface is safe for everyone!

Even Steps Need Leveling Sometimes
Often individual steps can become uneven and can become especially dangerous when they get wet in the winter. This newly level step is an asset to the home and creates a much safer environment for the family.