Before Waterproofing
Water was coming from under the foundation of this home and through the walls. The homeowner knew there had to be a solution to this problem.

Drain Tile Put In Place
After digging up around the footing of the home we were able to install our patented drain tile system which will drive water away from the foundation and into a sump pump.

Connecting the System
Our production team dug out a new pit for the sump pump and connected our drain tile system so the water could freely flow into it.

With the drain tile and sump pump in place the final step is to install our CleanSpace membrane along the wall. Not only does this give the wall a bright white clean look, it helps to direct water down the wall into the drain tile and creates a sealed waterproof system for the home. Waterproofing a home in this way means eliminates the need to dig up around the outside of the home to waterproof the area in an effective but typically more costly way.