Finding Foundation Cracks
One of the most obvious clues of foundation damage is cracks in the foundation wall itself like we see here.

Even Small Cracks Hide Major Problems
The size of the crack you see doesn't necessarily indicate the size of the issue on the other side of the crack. Due to this, it is important to get any suspected foundation issues inspected.

Water In the Basement from Plumbing
Since water can enter the basement from so many different sources we encourage our customers to finish their basements with inorganic materials that won't mold or rot when they do get wet.

Horizontal Cinder Block Foundation Cracks
This photo gives you another idea of what to look for when determining if you have issues with your foundation.

Installing a Water Drain Tile
We carefully installed a drain tile around the base of this home to allow water to drain away from the home in a controlled manner.

Working Around Obstacles
Sometimes there are obstacles we are not able to waterproof through so we work to ensure a complete solution can still be installed.

Foundation Secure
We installed PowerBraces which lock into the joists of the building and firmly hold the wall in place.

Careful Placement of PowerBraces
We make sure that the PowerBraces are placed in a fashion that provides the needed support to the wall without impeding on the room or impacting windows nearby.

Basement Bathrooms
Many people have voiced concerns that they don't want their basement bathroom to be majorly disrupted by a waterproofing project. As you can see here we are able to install a drain tile through the bathroom with minimal impact on the room itself.

PowerBraces Secured
In this situation we were able to secure the power braces in place using the cement that was used to conceal the drain tile.

Working Around Toilets
We have the experience to know how to deal with toilets. This can become a messy situation quite fast if you don't know how to properly work around the toilet area. At this project the drain tile was installed around this toilet without an issue.