Rotten Posts
If there are moldy musty smells coming from a crawl space there will be a significant amount of moisture in the air. This moisture can cause support to rot and create an unstable base for the home. If you discover rotten posts supporting your home you should take immediate action.

Under-Insulated Crawl Space
The foam boards provide some insulation for the crawl space but without air sealing the space the cold air can still enter this space. There is also a lack of insulation under the home which means the cold air can make its way up into the home as well.

Unsealed Opening
If there is just a plank of wood separating your crawl space from the outdoors then you'll be losing significant energy through this space.

Poorly Installed Insulation
This insulation is basically being stored in the crawl space because it isn't providing any significant insulation value to the home.

Questionable Supports
The support shown here is responsible for a significant weight, but the base of the support is not appropriate for long term integrity.

Moisture Effecting the Joists
The moisture present in this crawl space has a negative impact on the joists in the home. If the humidity is not controlled with a dehumidifier in a crawl space the moisture can slowly cause the wood to grow mold and rot.

Newer Jacks and Supports Still Aren't Enough
There are several do-it-yourself type jacks, stands, and supports that can be used in a basement or crawlspace, unfortunately many if not all of the other options require continuous adjustment over time or simply lose their strength over time.

Leaning Posts
Posts that are not planted firmly upright are not providing adequate support to the home.