Damage To The Boathouse
This boathouse was caught in the wake of destruction left by the big storm in the summer of 2016. It had caused significant damage and if the boathouse was to be used again it would require significant foundation repairs.

The Full Extent of The Damage
Taking a step back we can see the full effect the storm had on the boathouse. The structure was unsound and was at risk of being condemned if a proper permanent solution was not implemented.

A Closer Inspection
The previous support had served the boathouse well for many years, but it did not provide the permanent hold that was needed to outlast the storm.

Inspecting Every Detail
Our specialists make sure to look at the situation from every angle to ensure that we propose a solution that will provide the addequate amount of support for the structure. In this scenario we had to determine how many helical piers would be appropriate to support the structure.

Working Over Water
Even though this was a shallow area we had to take special precautions when considering how to implement our solution. In this case it worked best to wait until the ice had thickened in the winter. That would allow us to take our heavy equipment on the ice to install the piers.

Obvious Structural Integrity Issues
On the far left of this photo you can see how the foundation had clearly been affected by the storm and how little support this section of the building was being supported.

Missing Support
Here is another area of the structure where the support no longer came in contact with the structure. A very clear indication that something needed to be done.

Helical Pier Installation Over Ice
By February the ice had become thick enough to allow us to use our equipment safely on the ice.

One by One the Piers Were Installed
Twenty-Eight piers in total were installed on this project. They all work together to provide a permanent support system for this boathouse. Installing piers over the water is not something we work with every day, but our experience with projects like these helped us to install our system efficiently and safely while working on the ice.