Before: Wall Cracks and Water Seepage
Here is the main problem area in this home. It is clear that the walls have shifted and the homeowner has experienced water coming in this area of their basement.



Before: Basement Windows
Basement windows are a common cause for water and moisture making its way into the basement.

During: Installing a New Drain Tile
To effectively drain water away from the wall we install a new drain tile.

Installing Clean Space Wall Matting
Preventing water from getting into the basement is a top priority in this situation. To prevent the water from going further we install a special matting that leads water down the wall and into the drain tile.

Leaky Basement Windows
Through our Dr. Energy Saver product offerings we often provide the option to replace basement windows with new windows that are more energy efficient and won't allow water into the home. In this situation the customer preferred to have

Waterproofing With Foundation Repair
Here you can see how our Clean Space waterproof matting works well with our CarbonArmor straps which hold the foundation in place.

Carbon Armor Support for Foundation
We use these incredibly strong straps to strengthen the foundation wall while minimizing the effect on the basement space. Some repair options take up valuable square footage in the basement, so customers often like when we can use options like this.

Versatile Foundation Repair
We are proud of how versatile we are with our foundation repair solutions. If there is something in the way of supporting the wall we can often find an option that will work for the situation.