The Garage Before Polylevel
Here you can see a full view of the "before" picture. There was slanted concrete on both sides of the garage and part of the driveway had sunken as well.

Miss-Matched Concrete
The differences in the levels of concrete here is fairly obvious and can create tripping hazards.

Sunken and Cracked
The concrete has cracked and sunken especially bad in this close section of the sidewalk.

Slanted Concrete Walkway
This sidewalk has become slanted over time. If this were to become icy in the winter it could be a major slipping concern.

Lifting the Cracked Areas
Here we have lifted the cracked areas of concrete back into place.

No Longer Slanted!
This sidewalk is no longer suffering the effects of sunken concrete. It is now a level walkway that is much safer year round.

A Level Driving Surface
This area of the driveway that was previously sunken is now flush with the rest of the driveway. When concrete sinks badly enough it can create a situation similar to a pot-hole. You certainly wouldn't want to force your car over a bad pot hole twice a day.