Poor Attic Insulation Causes Ice Damming in Cornucopia, WI
One of our specialists spotted this church while on a drive one day. Take a look at all the icicles! While they may seem pretty, icicles (also known as ice damming) form when the snow melts off the roof and refreezes. Why would the snow melt? Usually because the attic is under insulated, sending all the hot air straight up through your roof! What a waste of energy and money!

Major ice damming problems in Duluth, MN
This house has major ice damming problems on one corner of the house. The rest of the house is fairly free of icicles. Why would they form in just one corner? The room in this corner is the coldest room in the house. All of its heat goes straight through the poorly insulated attic, through the roof and melts the snow. The result? Higher heating bills and lots of icicles! Contact us for a free estimate!