Garage Apron Lifted Alongside Asphalt in Osceola, WI
Many homeowners in Minnesota and Wisconsin are used to a dramatic "bump" when driving in and out of their garage. As the concrete settles at the garage apron, a lip at the entrance to the garage forms. In the case of this home in Osceola, WI, the homeowner had an asphalt driveway, concrete apron, and concrete garage slab. The homeowner's neighbor had concrete repair work done by DBS and so they too reached out to us for a free estimate.
The challenge here is navigating multiple surfaces with mixed material; concrete and asphalt. DBS Design Specialist Justin Mundahl created a custom plan to level the garage apron between the asphalt and garage concrete.
DBS Foreman Elisha Schlipp and her crew injected PolyLevel® below the garage apron to stabilize it. They began by drilling pea-sized holes and then used a pressurized hose to inject our 2-part foam solution to lift the concrete. This expanding foam's lightweight formula is designed to lift concrete without adding extra weight to the soil beneath and causing more settling. The foam hardens and it cures to provide a durable, sustainable fix that won't wash away over time.